Snapped with, of all things, my cell phone. This guy was just west of the southernmost Oasis on the 294 loop around Chicago. Given his position, I'd say it was probably a fire caused by his Bunk Heater, or something in the cab while the driver was asleep. I just hope he got out in time.
Next, on to the Beer. Specifically, Shiner beer from Shiner, TX.
A shot taken from my dock door in Spaetel Brewery, home of Shiner Beer, in Shiner, TX. I picked up a Shiner Blonde pint glass and will be drinking Shiner Blonde out of it when I get home. Sadly, I'm going to have to wait 'til I get home to buy it, because I can't carry beer in the passenger compartment of the truck. Which means that the Gates of Heaven, below, were closed to me.
And of course you can't have Heaven without a Hell. I'm not sure what this thing does, but given the name on the side it can't be that good.