This little.... ummm... guy? (I didn't check, honestly) was hanging around the drop yard in Mogadore, OH where it hopped into one of the dumpsters and where I discovered that my battery was absolutely dead. After charging for about 60 seconds or so, I had enough life in the battery to chase it down and snap this shot. I then made my little "Come here, Kitty" noise and it came running right over.
It was conditionally affectionate and was rubbing back and forth across my ankles, twining around them while meowing and making all manner of attention noises, but any time I touched it, I was rewarded with a paw full of claws or some teeth, and not in a playful way. After it lunged at my ankle with both claws and tried to bite through my jeans, I shooed it off.
The cat has a sore in its mouth that looks like it could use some attention, but otherwise it's a bit thick, certainly not starving under that winter coat.
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